Portal Books was established in 2005. We are an independent company striving for transparency and tolerance by publishing high quality books representing different political, religious and ideological viewpoints. We publish approximately 30 books a year, ranging from academic research and scholarship from various fields of study to general interest titles on history, art, leadership and management, psychology, food and travel. Our titles also include novels and poetry and several of our books have been nominated for Sørlandets litteraturpris, an annual award dedicated to authors from the Southern region of Norway.
Portal Books enjoy an excellent working relationship with several highly qualified copy editors and proofreaders proficient in several languages. Once a manuscript is edited and proofread, it is returned to the author for final review before print production.
In 2010, Portal Books became an accredited academic publisher. We follow a system where editorial referees peer review our academic manuscripts before publication. The referee, anonymous to the author, is usually a fellow scholar with in-depth knowledge of the research area. Some of the elements she must consider include whether the manuscript adds new perspectives to the existing research while abiding codes of research ethics. Equally important, the referee thoroughly critiques the manuscript making suggestions for improvement and further perspectives. The review is then returned to the author, who makes the changes necessary in order for the manuscript to merit publication.